Saturday 1 October 2016


I know I'm a bit late writing this but I thought I would anyway  I really can't believe it's October already! where did September go? or where is this year going?!?. I still haven't got a bloody job and it's nearly a year since I started at M&S for Christmas how quick has that gone?!?. I really hope this is the month I get a job I really do I am keeping everything crossed.

I have had an okay September I got some interviews but I either didn't hear back or it was a no but I always say it's their loss and most are advertising again so they clearly took on a wrongun!. I just hope October is much better and things start looking up for me. I just want something good to happen and to able to do more things I am happy which is something and I haven't got anything to complain about.
Thanks for reading my little October post.
I will be back with an update soon a positive one I hope!.

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