Tuesday, 2 February 2016


1.Apply for as many jobs as possible and look everyday too.

2.Don't give up.

3.Don't get down about things they will pick up soon.

4.Stay positive I know it's easier said than done but remember you're not the only one in the same position.

5.Use as many sites as possible.

6.Use Google to search.

7.Look in shops/hand out your CV.

8.Keep your CV updated.

9.Look on company sites it's always worth looking.

10.Don't go to Seetec it's an employment place but it's crap if you sign at the jobcentre and they suggest it don't go! huge waste of time,the advisers are rubbish and you get no help at all I went on it for 2 years :O was so glad when it ended. They just plonk you on a computer and leave you to it not helpful at all.

11.Don't let job rejections get you down because so many people apply and they can't take on everyone obviously! but it's better to know,than to not get a reply at all because that happens a lot which bugs me but not much I can do.

12.Even if you aren't looking for retail or shop work take on volunteering in a charity shop to gain more experience in the workplace,get more confidence and to meet new people it really does help and plus the jobcentre will like it and it looks good on your CV.

13.Update your CV as much as you can to sell yourself to companies and put your most recent employment first.

14.If you get interviews don't ask the pay I learnt that from Shaw Trust and haven't asked since they'll just think you want money and aren't interested in the job.

15.Research the company as much as possible to show knowledge and interest.

16.Keep smiling.

17.Believe in yourself.

18.Find a hobby because you will get so bored and have so much time to fill so find something you're interested in to keep you busy.

19.Don't feel bad if you get an interview but not the job because getting an interview is something and you learn from them if you think they didn't go well I've been there.

20.Don't lose hope it will happen soon and stay positive.

21.Make a job searching timetable.

I hope these tips help and good luck with your search.


  1. Your post was really helpful, especially your job sites. My partner is trying to get a job closer to me & we've been looking for months. Going to try your tips! Thank you x

  2. Thankyou for reading :) I'm really glad it's helped and you like my tips :) good luck fingers crossed he finds one soon x
