Monday, 17 April 2017


I've been waiting to write this post but hadn't blogged for a while my last post was on the 10th of April and id not really been posting after that. I was sharing my latest post but not as much and now I've reached my goal of 30,000 views! :O

I'm soooo excited and proud to say I reached 30,000 views I'm not sure how but I have! so thank YOU! if you're a regular reader, new, been here from the start, while I don't get a lot of comments which I'm guessing I have silent readers if you're one then please leave a comment I do reply!.

From the middle of March until the start of April I'd really lost inspiration to blog and I didn't think I'd get it back because it had been so long. But fear not I have started blogging again which I'm glad about because I missed it and I do want to grow it and make it better.

I don't have a lot of followers but that's ok because numbers aren't important but I would like to grow it one day. I am happy with the followers I have thank you if you're a follower!. I don't know how many followers I actually have as I don't know if you add them all together from google plus, blog lovin and blogger? does anyone know?.

Some day I'd like to work with brands that would be a dream come true! I have a few favourites Seventeen, Rimmel, Simple, Lush, Primark. One day I'd like to grow my blog and make it into something bigger and better. At the moment its still a hobby but I'm pretty happy that it's got to 30,000 views I never thought I'd reach that but I'm chuffed!.

So I wanted to say thank you for reading, following, the comments whether you're a long term reader or a newbie thank you for being here.

Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon.

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