Saturday 22 June 2019



I have been unemployed for 18 months and I really thought I would've had a job by now but I don't. Anyway I am getting help with it but it is draining sometimes when applying for roles but I am feeling positive!. I didn't think job hunting would've been such a s struggle for me but it has and I wish employers didn't make a simple job sound so complicated!. Also interviews aren't my strong point and I wish they didn't make them so hard my CV is fine I can do the job but it still doesn't get me one. All I want is a paid job that I love doing. I've applied for so many jobs over my time and had many interviews some at the same places and some not, some went well and some didn't but I just wish they didn't ask such hard questions and had more understanding of people with disabilities. I am trying to make things easier for myself but sometimes people don't listen! and suggest things far away!.

Retail Course
I know I said I didn't want to do anymore courses well I am and it's the 2nd one on from the customer service course I did in the January/February. The jobcentre also put me on a recruitment thing in Chelmsford which wasn't ideal at all as I have to get 2 buses! anyway I haven't got to go and I am doing the retail course instead!. I hope doing this course brings me something I enjoy doing and I am interested in.

I am still blogging but it has sort of taken a stand still as it's been hard to think of new ideas but I do have some coming but other than them I am struggling! I feel like I've written about everything and I want new and fresh ideas!. I do hope to grow my blog more and work with brands.

One To One
My one to one ends next month which I didn't realise! I've been going  since September 2018 so about 11 months. I'm glad I've been having extra support with things and I think it has given me more opportunities to think about. But at the end of the day all I want is a paid job doing something I love. Since having one to one I've done a confidence course, employability confidence, a customer service course and now a retail course. So I have been doing things but they still haven't bought me a job!.

Thanks for reading.

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