Monday, 3 August 2020


Today's post is all about my lockdown negatives do you have any? or are they the same as mine? let me know!.

Not Seeing Family For Ages
This wasn't good at all we didn't see my sister and her boyfriend for ages and also I haven't seen my Grandad in a while either. I have seen my Nan who lives near as I had to help her with her DVD player and iPad.

Supermarkets Running Out Of Essentials Because Idiots Panic Bought
This was very annoying! because there was no need to panic buy, yet people did and the supermarkets had to make limits. Things are okay now but at the time it wasn't good and going to a supermarket now isn't too bad and you have to wear a mask now. Everyone was buying toilet roll, pasta and flour so it was hard to get these.

Not Going To Other Shops Out Of Town
The last time me and my mum went to Colchester was the 15th March :O which seems so long ago but we went recently on the bus for the first time in 4 months, we wore our masks and not many people got on so it was alright. We decided to go otherwise we'd never get there!.

Thanks for reading.

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