Sunday, 23 August 2020


Monday 17th August 2020
I collected my prescription, went to the factory shop to get a box and sorted my things out. It was sunny! but still humid. I finished watching snapped on sky crime and we had homemade pizzas for dinner. I put makeup on and I felt better! now that is has got cooler I can start wearing it again.
Tuesday 18th August 2020
I went to Lidl early and did more organising! haha that's all I seem to do. I got my eyebrows waxed after 5 months! it was okay I had my temperature took and I used hand sanitiser and wore my mask. The weather was sunny then it rained so safe to say it was confused today! it was humid as well. I made enchiladas for dinner which are always nice!.

Wednesday 19th August 2020
I put makeup on and wash my hair which always makes me feel better! I went to Lidl and got a few bits, it rained but it was still hot I watched more Australian paramedics I found on sky witness but I'm still waiting for the rest of law and order special victims unit to return!. I felt bored today which isn't fun :( I did go in St Helena Hospice charity shop and found this cat mug! haha. I haven't been for a walk since last week because the weather change.
Thursday 20th August 2020
Me and mum finally went for a walk after not going for a week because of the weather so it was nice to get out!. We picked some more blackberries but they weren't so good some were a bit squishy and some had mould on never knew that could happen. I made butternut squash, red pepper and onion risotto for my dinner.

Friday 21st August 2020
I went to Sainsbury's I watched Erin Brockovich and chicken run well some of it I fell asleep! haha. Not much else to report on this day.

Saturday 22nd August 2020
I woke up at 6am and got up at 7am had breakfast and showered. My sister popped in because she had a beauty appointment and we went to Spencer's farm shop and picked our own fruit which we hadn't done in ages. I got strawberries, plums and a few blackberries and she bought round somethings she didn't want anymore.

Sunday 23rd August 2020
I made jus rol pain au chocolat for breakfast which were nice!. I got upset this morning because I was feeling a bit down and fed up. I had pasta for lunch and played scrabble with my mum in the afternoon.

Thanks for reading.

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