Sunday, 27 September 2020


Monday 21st September 2020We went to Lidl this morning to get a big shop, my Hama bead order came, and I watched some deadly women on amazon prime.

Tuesday 22nd September 2020
I stayed in today and took some blogtober photos and watched Rose West & Myra Hindley with Trevor McDonald on Itv this afternoon. I also watched season 4 of Jack Whitehall travels with my father on Netflix which is just so funny!

Wednesday 23rd September 2020
I took a walk over the park and took some autumnal photos; I made my Parma violet cupcakes which turned out nice!

Thursday 24th September 2020
I took blogtober photos, I painted my wooden spiders, and I watched hoarders on amazon prime. I had a bath in the evening and did a face mask.

Friday 25th September 2020
I visited my nan who has come from hospital, I watched more criminal minds and took some more blogtober photos. I watched more hoarders on amazon prime and ordered a Christmas duvet I know it's early! and I ordered criminal minds season 9 because it was cheaper!

Saturday 26th September 2020
I took more blogtober photos, watched more hoarders on amazon and my amazon order came which was criminal minds season 9 because it was cheaper and a Christmas duvet!

Sunday 27th September 2020
I changed my bed, tided up, watched more hoarders and my amazon order came. Me and my mum went to Lidl and got a few bits. It was cold and rainy today I've been for a walk since last Sunday which doesn't help because going for walks really helps but I hope to get out for some next week. My sister came round and bought me Cadbury orange buttons and some cards I can use for photos.

Thanks for reading.

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