Saturday 31 December 2016

MY 2016

So we have come to the end of 2016 it hasn't been the best year for me but there have been some good things and I thought I'd share them with you. Things started of slow and I was still unemployed so not much happened. Though December was the best month for me that's when things started to pick up I'm glad to be ending the year happy and positive about what's to come next.

Finally Getting A Job!.
So I applied for a Marketing Assistant job and didn't think anything of it until they rang the next day and invited me to an interview on the 2/12/16. I then found out it was a group interview so I thought I won't ace that but still went along anyway. I got there and only me and another girl turned up so it went better than I thought and I got the job yaasssssss! things are actually starting to look up for me. Though I'm a bit miffed after finding out it's not for long but I guess it's a job and I'm sure it will bring more opportunities for me and update my CV.

6 Years At EACH.
I have been volunteering for 6 years now at Each I really can't believe I've been there that long! I love it and I'll still go even when I start my job. I do think things will change in the new year though. I've written a post on it here if you want to read it

Turning 26.
I turned 26! ahhhh so scary! haha 5 days before Christmas apparently I was meant to be born on Christmas day! :O We went out to pizza express which was so good! love their dough balls. I got some lovely presents and cards and overall I had a good day with my family.

This Christmas was better than last years which I'm glad about! we had a nice dinner,lots of lovely presents and even more food as you do!. Apart from the evening kerfuffle it went well we visited my grandparents and just had family time chilling spending most of it eating,sleeping and watching TV/films.
I hope you had a good 2016.
and see you in 2017 for more posts!.

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