Friday 18 August 2017


Well hello there I'm back with a long over due life update it really has been a while since I've posted one. I've been putting off writing this post because I was waiting to hear about my time at B&M so now I know I can post this!.

B&M Job
I started back in February and it was meant to end in May but got it got extended till August anyway I have good news! I'm being kept on! yay I'm glad as I do need this job and also I can look for other work too. It has been going well the whole time I've been there and I've made new friends which is good. I think it's helped me with gaining more confidence and also I'm gaining more skills and experience. I had been getting good feedback from the managers which definitely helps make me feel proud and that I'm doing a good job.

I think my blog is doing well at the moment my stats are pretty good and I'm enjoying posting content. I have gained more followers on my blog and social media which I'm happy about! I like meeting new people and connecting with others who share the same interests. My blog is still my hobby and I'm happy with that.

My plans for now are to keep working at B&M and look for other work at the same time and also work on my blog more which I feel like has taken a back seat lately but I hope to be posting content very soon so watch this space!.

Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon with more content.

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