Monday 2 October 2017


This is an honest post about social media I hope it doesn't come across as rude or anything I'm just sharing my thoughts. I'm sure I'm not only one who feels the same.

I don't have a lot of followers on social media, but then again what counts as a lot? 25? 50? 75? anyway I took part in one of them twitter follow trains and overnight I gained 300 followers but today it got me thinking did people only follow because they took part?, or do they follow because my blog interested them? I don't know the actual answer but it did get me thinking do people only follow to gain more followers?

These follow trains aren't really a good idea because 9 times out of 10 people don't follow back or they do and then a couple of days later unfollow A-you can't follow everyone and B-not everyone's of interest which is fine but people make a big deal.

There was this one blogger who followed me until I asked her a question about blogging and she blocked me I still don't know why? If that happens to you I wouldn't worry about it people make no sense and it's one less follower to worry about.

I have started unfollowing a few people because I don't have any interest in them and nor do I read their blog (tell me I'm not the only one!) It might sound mean but it's the truth why follow people who don't share the same interests? I bet none of the people who took part in the follow train have even read my blog and just follow to build their numbers up.

Instagram is similar again I only follow accounts that are of interest but I do get a lot of spam accounts and ones that I have no interest in but again we can't follow everyone. Numbers aren't really that important if you enjoy blogging etc then stop worrying about numbers! Ok I admit I wish I had more followers but I'm not going to let it bug me because blogging is my passion.

Let me know if you relate by leaving a comment I always reply.

Thanks for reading.


  1. I totally understand this post! I think your blog is great which is why I follow you but I wouldn't follow someone if I didn't enjoy their content, there's just no point! This post has inspired me to have a Twitter unfollow session.

    Love Eleanor xo |

    1. I was a bit worried about posting this because I thought people might get the wrong idea but I wanted to share my thoughts. Thank you for following my blog I'm glad you like it :) I agree I try to follow people who have the same interests and it's good to have a unfollow spree!
