Thursday 21 December 2017


I thought I'd share a few highlights of my 2017 I like to think it's been a good year for me I've done some good things from going to Scotland-to seeing Little Mix!. I hope you like this post and that you've had a good year.

Edinburgh Trip And The Addams Family Show Southend
I went to Edinburgh for Fragile x research it went okay apart from not having the scan because I was scared and felt really anxious, though I did do other research.I had a good time in Scotland visiting Edinburgh castle and sightseeing I also saw the Addams family show in Southend with my sister which was good it had some well known faces in such as Samantha Womack from EastEnders who was Morticia Addams.

Little Mix At The O2,7 Years At Volunteering & Mouse Trap Play London
I finally got to see Little Mix!!! it was amazing! thank you to my sister who got the tickets and went with me (it was my Christmas present for last year I had to wait 11 months! but it was soooo worth it. I want to see them again!. I have been at volunteering for 7 years now! but it's going change soon so I don't think I'll be there much longer but we'll see. I also saw Mouse Trap play in London with my family which was good I don't normally like plays but this was good.

My 27th,Snow,My Volunteering Christmas Meal And Christmas Panto
We had snow! 10/12/17 for the first time in ages! it was so pretty but also caused a lot of issues.I went to my volunteering Christmas meal at Whispers wine bar which I'd not been to before it was the last one with my manager Brad sad face :( I had a good time and I'm glad I went. I turned 27! five days before Christmas! but had a cold :( which wasn't ideal but I just dosed myself up on lemsip.Me,my mum and dad went out for a meal with my to Prezzo which was good. I got some lovely cards,gifts and many happy birthday messages so it overall it was a good day. Me and my sister went to the panto to see jack in the beanstalk in Southend which was so funny! it had Bobby Davro, Lee Mead and Stacey Solomon in.

What are some of your highlights? let me know in the comments

Thanks for reading

and see you in 2018!.

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