Tuesday 25 September 2018

50,000 BLOG VIEWS!!!

I did it I reached 50,000 blog views!!! I can't believe I reached my goal so soon it really blows my mind but thank you!. While I don't have a huge following or get many comments I still appreciate all the ones I do have/get. I am so glad I made a blog and carried on with it because I wouldn't be writing this post right now.

I only reached 49,000 views the other day but I think reaching 50,000 blog views is down to people reading and sharing my latest Fragile X blog post. I thought as it's FragileXpedition I decided I wanted to join in and make people aware of Fragile X. 

Anyway thank you again for getting my blog to 50,000 view I honestly can't believe it but I just wanted to say thank you I know I've said it many times but I really am thankful!. I am so proud of my blog and I am so glad I made one and continued sharing my posts.

I know this post is small but I just wanted to say thank you! and I've written one for all the other view goals I reached. I'm just so happy and shocked I have 50,000 views!.

Thanks for reading.

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