Saturday 6 October 2018


It's day 6 of blogtober already! today I thought I would share a life update as there has been some progress with job hunting/getting more help.

I am still looking for a job but I am currently doing a confidence course, while also getting one to one help. I have recently been to the jobcentre where they suggested another course with more help and support so fingers crossed that actually does help.

I am enjoying the confidence course as it helps me meet people and talk to them and I am also glad I am able to get this help while I can. I am possibly going to do a customer service course as well so we'll see how that goes. I don't know what I want to do yet but I am hoping I can figure it out soon. In the meantime I want a job in retail to earn some money as that will help me to learn more and gain more experience. I do things change soon as I do feel behind and lost sometimes because it's been a struggle finding a job. Maybe one day my blog will be something but for now let's hope a job comes my way.

Thanks for reading.

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