Monday, 5 November 2018


I have written and published 200 blog posts! since 2015! I actually can't believe I've posted that many times. I think it would be a few more but they've been deleted so they don't count. Anyway I wasn't sure if to write this post but then I thought why not! it's an achievement so I should be proud right?.

I am super glad I made a blog because I enjoy writing content, taking photos and getting the odd comment!. I work really hard on my blog and I love to share posts on beauty, Fragile X, life and anything else that springs to mind!. My blog is still my hobby but maybe one day it'll turn into something bigger! but for now I am really happy with it and how it's growing.

I don't have a huge following but I try not to let that bug me I also don't get many comments but I do get a few which make me very happy!. I managed to post all 31 days of blogtober which I've never done before! so I feel proud of that because it was hard!. I attempted blogmas in 2016 but failed! I'm not sure if I'll do that this year but we'll see.

I think my content has got better and my photo creativity has improved too! I like taking them and experimenting with props etc. I use my iPhone to take them which does the job nicely but one day I might buy a camera but we'll see. I do hope to grow blog some day and work with brands etc but I still enjoy blogging as a hobby. Plus I'm not sure if I would want it as a job because I don't think I'd have enough ideas but who knows where it will go.

10,000 views March 2016.

20,000 views October 2016.

30,000 views April 2017.

40,000 views January 2018.

50,000 views September 2018.

200th blog posts!.

Completed blogtober all 31 days.

Over 1,000 views on my Fragile X post about being social on and offline.

Thanks for reading.

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