Monday 10 December 2018


I thought I would write a life update sharing what's been happening since I began doing courses etc and what I am going to do next.

First Stop Courses
I started a confidence course in September until October which was 4 weeks I thought I would give it ago and I am glad I did!. After the confidence course finished a employability one started and I gave that ago too which was good. I met people who are in different situations to me, got some advice on jobs/interviews. I also got some ideas and inspiration on what else I can do. I feel more positive about things and it helps to talk to others about things as well. This course ran for 6 weeks and it has gone really quick! but I am glad I did it while it was there.

What's Next?
I plan to quit volunteering but that's in another post coming soon!. Since my courses have finished I have got more ideas on what I can do next such as different volunteering. I also plan to start making changes in the new year so I'll be back then!. I am going to continue blogging and I will be back with some new content in the new year.

Thanks for reading.

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