Thursday, 30 July 2020


Today's post is some lockdown positives what are yours? Let me know.
The Nice Weather
We've been pretty lucky with the weather during lockdown if this had been in winter time it wouldn't have been so good. Having sunny days has made me feel more positive and happier! We have had the odd rainy/dull day but having sunny days has made a difference!
We've been making more things during our time on lockdown such as croissants, mayonnaise and pizzas! We also make a lot of meals from scratch with our homegrown vegetables and I enjoy cooking fresh meals. I think I'd survive if I moved out!
I've enjoyed going for walks to places I didn't know about it has been nice to get outside and get some fresh air. I have also been taking some photos which has been fun! I got some printed with freeprints to make a scrapbook. I also post them on instagram
Online Shopping
Not something I normally do but as I wasn't going to any shops anytime soon so I thought I would buy things online! I've bought clothes, pick n mix (twice! but not anymore), cosmetics and bath things. I have liked buying online as me and my mum only recently went out of town on the bus which was alright!

Thanks for reading.

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