Sunday, 26 July 2020


Monday 20th July 2020
Me and my mum walked to Stanley Hall, I booked an eyebrow wax appointment as I have to do these things at some point. I had chicken nuggets and cous cous for dinner and watched tv in the evening.

Tuesday 21st July 2020
I had a funny night sleep I heard a helicopter that sounded like ww3 not sure what time it was but it was loud!. I went to Lidl and got a few bits I added more photos to my scrapbook. Me and my mum went for a walk in the afternoon up Wash Barn and through the woods. I made vegetable enchiladas for dinner.

Wednesday 22nd July 2020
Me and my mum went to Colchester on the bus after 4 months of not using them as we thought we should go soon! so we can get used to them. It wasn't too bad wearing a mask on the bus I could still talk clearly! and the bus wasn't very busy. We went to Primark and I got a quite a few things! haha although I didn't spend as much as I thought!, We also went to Poundland, Boots, Sainsbury's and Wilko. We had a sandwich from Sainsbury's for lunch. Overall it was a successful trip!.

Thursday 23rd July 2020
Me ,my mum and dad (he doesn't normally come with us!) went for a walk to Langley Mill, I made bath bombs and my Superdrug order came but one of the items had a broken lid but as it didn't leak or anything I am going to keep it and Superdrug are going to give me some beauty points!. I slept better after going to bed just before 9pm and waking up about 7am.

Friday 24th July 2020
I stayed in and watched more 24hrs in A&E on Netflix, I put makeup on and I cleaned my makeup brushes which I don't mind doing!. Our friend popped over in the evening for a chat and catch up social distanced ofc!.

Saturday 25th July 2020
I went to Lidl this morning wearing my mask it was ok but a bit hot! I watched more 24hrs in A&E and some YouTube. The weather was humid but it rained this afternoon/evening hopefully we can go for a walk tomorrow. I made more bath bombs but I still think I need to work on the colour! but the scents are good!.

Sunday 26th July 2020
We walked to the Cangle this morning, I watched more 24hrs in A&E and I changed my bed. It was sunny which was good! I hoovered my room and tided up not much else to report!.

Thanks for reading.

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