Thursday, 13 August 2020

80,000 BLOG VIEWS!!!

I reached 80,000 blog views!!! ahhhhh how did that happen?!? but anyway thank you if you're a regular reader, a sometime reader or a new reader it's nice to have you here! I started writing my blog in 2015 and I have shared a lot of posts from Fragile X, beauty, life and more recently lockdown life as we're in a global pandemic.

I am so proud of my blog, while I don't have a huge following or anything both here I have 10 on my blog! and on twitter or instagram I am glad I started a blog.  I have only time I got PR was once when I was a babes of glory for Soap and Glory I never thought in a million years they'd pick me but they did! all I did was respond to a tweet someone else had retweeted!. I haven't been sent anything else since then and sometimes I do wish I did but I still like blogging so I'll carry on regardless! I don't have a huge following so brands are unlikely to pick me and I'm not confident enough to talk to stories or make YouTube videos.

Thankyou again! and here's to my next goal of 90,000!!!!

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