Sunday, 16 August 2020


Monday 10th August 2020
It was blooming hot! so didn't do a lot but I went to Lidl early, we had stir fry for dinner, I watched some episodes of Snapped on sky crime. I didn't really know what to do with myself I don't mind the heat but not this hot.
Tuesday 11th August 2020 
I didn't sleep very well last night because it was hot urghhh :( I finally got my haircut I had 3 inches off and it looks much better. It was hot having it cut as I had to wear disposable gown but can't help that. I popped to Sainsbury's in the morning and it rained a teeny bit but not enough!. I watched more episodes of Snapped on sky crime.
Wednesday 12th August 2020
Me and mum walked to Wash Barn and picked some blackberries, It was so hot again! I watched some episodes of Snapped on sky crime.

Thursday 13th August 2020
Me and mum went to Lidl and it rained and thundered when we came out! but it was cooler so I didn't mind walking home. I made vegetable enchiladas for my dinner, I wrote a blog post on reaching 80,000 blog views! and I watched more episodes of Snapped on sky crime.
Friday 14th August 2020
I watched more episodes of snapped on sky crime, I had a pyjama day, it rained and thundered a bit but not a lot. I ordered from Topshop I never shop there! :O but I saw this outfit on instagram the top is out my comfort zone but I decided I don't care what I look like! the top was in the sale which was even better. There were shorts too but sold separate which weren't in the sale at the time so I waited and then they were. I'm glad I waited because I didn't want to spend £19 on some shorts but they were £10 instead! yay!.

Saturday 15th August 2020
I stayed in today and watched more Snapped on sky crime, I took a nap oops and made cherry flapjack. It rained again which is good! still haven't got thunder but ah well. I put makeup on because it had been a while and I felt it like as the weather is cooler but I wasn't going anywhere and it was too dark/dull to take photos!. I am also not sure about returning to volunteering as I feel worried about it and another reason I won't say on here. I've been there so long now it's kinda ridiculous! I know I probably won't get a paid job anytime soon but I'd like to do something else. It has changed so much now which I know happens but at the same time I feel that I need to move on. I made bath bombs with the donut mould my sister gave me and they worked! but the colour isn't right yet.

Sunday 16th August 2020
I made croissants for breakfast well jus rol did! haha they were nice :) I changed my bed, made more bath bombs I'm still working on the colour. I had a bath, watched more Snapped on sky crime and it rained!.
Check out my instagram where I post regularly

Thanks for reading.

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