Sunday, 6 September 2020


Bank Holiday Monday 31st August 2020
I stayed in and planned my blogtober content. I watched killer families on Sky Crime which was good. I rang my Nan and had chicken nuggets for dinner. I had a pamper evening using a bath bomb I got from Primark and matey bubble bath.

Tuesday 1st September 2020
I went to the Co-op, I tweeted about it being a new month and wrote we're still in lockdown and apparently, we're not but the virus is still here, there's still a pandemic, we still have to social distance and wear masks. What have the last 6 months been for then? why people care what I tweet is beyond me because most of the time I get no likes/replies etc. Anyway, on a positive note the Co-op were giving away Ok magazines as they had some leftover from a promotion, I finished planning all my blogtober content, I picked up my Boots order which came really quick! as you can tell I like Soap and Glory I will be posting reviews soon.
Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Today me and mum went for a walk Box Mill which was nice as we hadn't been for a walk since August 20th! :O. We went to Lidl, I took some donations to the charity shop, looked in a few and bought a cat top. My crime magazine came, and I picked up the latest style at home. I had pizza and sweet potato fries for dinner. I ordered season 5 of criminal minds which I need but I was meant to get 4 first! haha ah well and I watched some YouTube in the evening.

Thursday 3rd September 2020
I made millionaires shortbread, ordered season 4 of criminal minds and had leftover pizza for lunch. I read the rest of my crime magazine and watched some YouTube. It was a dull, cloudy day and then it rained in the afternoon so no walk today. I ordered a cardigan from boohoo as I couldn't sleep, and I saw it on someone's instagram.

Friday 4th September 2020 
I went to Lidl this morning and tired out the new app which is good! I used 3 of my offers. We had fish and chips from the Hook fish which is our favourite! and we hadn't had it in so long. We didn't get to have it this year at Felixstowe because the event was cancelled. My amazon order came which was Criminal minds season! I ordered some more things on amazon oops!
Saturday 5th September 2020
We all went for a walk up the Cangle, it was a nice morning my criminal minds season 4 arrived! only ordered it on Wednesday so I watched the first disc. Me and mum made walnut and sultana loaf from the Aldi website.

Sunday 6th September 2020
Me and mum went to Colchester as it's cheaper fares, but the buses are every 2 hours. We went to Hobby craft again I only got photo corners in there for my scrapbook Then we went to home bargains because we hadn't been since March! :O. I got a yellow desk lamp which was cheaper than the one I saw on Amazon, some bath bombs, body wash, a bee jug and some food! We also went to Asda as it's up near home bargains, but it was so busy! We ate our lunch in Colchester Castle Park which was nice.

Thanks for reading.

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