Sunday, 13 September 2020


Monday 7th September 2020
I put makeup on and washed my hair I went to the park and found a conker and some mushrooms but didn't pick the mushrooms. I watched criminal minds season 4. I had leftover roast for dinner and I wrote some of my blogtober content.

Tuesday 8th September 2020
This morning I popped to Lidl to get a few bits for a recipe from easy cook magazine that I made for lunch which was lentil salad with eggs it was nice but needs less onion! and I over boiled the lentils. I watched killer families on sky crime and we had lasagne and garlic bread for dinner.

Wednesday 9th September 2020
I took a walk over the park this morning and took some photos while it was sunny. The seat and the green tree are in a wild flower/grass area for nature. I found more conkers which is always good! I'm currently obsessed with the first Trolls film soundtrack can't stop this feeling! I've never seen the film but I have amazon music and it was in a playlist and now it's stuck in my head!. I took some photos for blogtober. 

Thursday 10th September 2020
My Boohoo and Amazon orders came one was a cardigan I saw on instagram and the other was some re-useable cotton pads as I wanted to try them. I watched Katnipp's studio vlog and made curry for dinner which needed more spice and that's coming from someone who hates spicy food!. Me and my mum managed to get a walk in this afternoon up Spansey woods/field to look at the sunflowers.

Friday 11th September 2020
I went to Lidl this morning and my Katnipp order came and I took more blogtober photos. I ordered some bigger photos for my frame from freeprints I will show them in next weeks post. In the evening I added the rest of my photos to my scrapbook.

Saturday 12th September 2020
I laid in till 8.30am! which I haven't done in ages! anyway Me and mum walked to Stanley Hall this morning and I got some good photos. We then went to Sudbury to look in the church at Simon of Sudbury's head which is part of history. We also popped to bargain buys to get some bits and I had pasta for dinner.

Sunday 13th September 2020
I stayed in today and had a slow day. I had a bath and a nice pamper and I watched more I'll be gone in the dark on Sky Crime. I ordered a hoodie blanket from Amazon that Catherine who owns Katnipp had one! and it looked so cosy. I also ordered a photo frame for my photos I got printed from freeprints.

 Check out my instagram where I post regularly 

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