I wrote a blog post about job hunting after covid in June 2020 and I thought I would write an update on how things are now.
still just as difficult to find employment now since the pandemic hit in 2020 a lot of shops are closing and a lot of jobs are unsuitable hours so I can't get there. I feel frustrated because I've been unemployed since 2017 which is obviously a long time and not what I had in mind I don't understand why I haven't found employment? I have lots of skills and experience but these companies seem to want more which is stupid.I honestly just give up because I'm getting nowhere I've had the odd interview but I'm always unsuccessful or I hear nothing at all.
I'm now on reed restart a program to help me which is going okay I've done a interview skills session and I'm going to get help with job search. I've been on a lot of programs some more helpful than others and some I didn't like.I'm
applying for what I can but as I rely on buses it makes it difficult to get to
places ideally I'd like a job in Halstead but that's unlikely because there
isn't much here & a lot of shops are closing. I feel overwhelmed with it all and I really don't know what more I can do? I can't be bothered anymore I'm obviously not meant to get a job because it shouldn't take this long.
I'm fed up of hearing something will come along soon which it obviously isn't as it's been 5 years and I'm clearly not going to get a job I don't think people know what to say so they just say that. Sometimes it feels like people don't believe I'll get a job.When I have interviews I always think I've done well but then I'm unsuccessful which is stupid because all the jobs I apply for are easy and I don't understand why they make them sound so difficult? I have all the skills and experience yet they don't give me a job. I don't think I'm going wrong anywhere I think it's the companies who won't give me a chance I know there are others who apply too but I've been trying for 5 years and I'm still getting nowhere.
Thanks for reading.
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