Thursday 23 March 2023


It's been a while since I've written a life update but as new things are happening,no I haven't got a job yet! I thought I'd share a update.

Befriend Service/Kinder Minds
I have started this new service to meet people and to hopefully make friends this was suggested to me by my jobcentre work coach. I have been to a couple of events which were chill and chat, a craft session and a mocktail class all of these were good.

Job Hunting
It's going okay I am getting help from another employment company I've had a lot of help from various places and none have got me a permanent job. I've also been on way too many courses and not really got anywhere. I have finished at Reed which was good they did help me but I didn't get a job! which I thought I would. I do feel a bit like I won't get a job but I am trying to be positive,even though it's hard sometimes.

I gave up volunteering at the Empire theatre because there wasn't enough to do and no one there who was my age. I don't want to be volunteering anymore,while it's good and helps with confidence I just want a paid job.
Thanks for reading.

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