Tuesday 21 November 2017


Wow I really can't believe I'm sat writing this post on 7 years at volunteering! I can't quite believe I'm still there after this long! how did that happen?!? I'm glad I'm still there because I always have a laugh and I've met some good people.

While I hadn't been going on my normal 2 days since being at B&M I hardly saw anyone but now I'm back to my 2 days a week until I find a full time job. It's made a huge difference to me and I honestly don't know where I'd be if I hadn't started back in 2010. I know for a fact I'm not the same girl when I started I thought I'd be there for a few months. Though even that might not have made much difference to my confidence and I might not be where I am today.

I've met so many people who are friends now and we always have a laugh together. Some are still there, some aren't who I don't really see now or talk to but I guess that's life as you meet so many people. I've said this in my previous posts but I really don't know where I'd be if I hadn't started here would I even have a job now? So I'm grateful for the people who have helped me become the girl I am today, because without them who knows where I'd be.

Anyway I think I've waffled on enough now.

Thanks for reading.

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