Sunday 14 January 2018


I can't quite believe my blog has 40,000 views! how the heck did that happen?!? I'm so chuffed! when I started this blog I never dreamed I'd get this many views.I'm very proud of my little corner on the internet sharing my life updates,beauty posts and my struggles with Fragile X.

Whether you've been here from the start or are fairly new I just want to say THANK YOU! for being here and for reading my blog. I don't really know who reads my blog because I don't get a lot of comments very often but when I do it makes me happy!. I don't have a huge following either but I hope to change that soon and also make some improvements to my blog.

Here's to making more content and reaching even more goals! I hope you stay along for the journey and I'll be back soon with more posts. Don't forget to follow!.

Thanks for reading.

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