It is hard to find a job with and without support but I still think it would be helpful. I don't know what I want to do which does sometimes bug me because I feel like I need to have it all figured out. The jobcentre are somewhat useless because they don't know what to do with everyone (it's very obvious) my advisor isn't much help and even suggested I volunteer even though I've been doing that for the past 7 years! see they are useless!
I have thought about turning my blog into a job but everyone is doing that and I'm not sure if I would actually want to do that full time. I think I'd get bored and would probably rather get up and go somewhere and to meet new people. It is hard to know what job to I want to I have struggled since school with finding a job and I've never had a permanent one. It's not easy at all trying to find employment because a lot of people apply for the same role, you need a ridiculous amount of experience and you have to be outgoing and confident.
My jobcentre advisor also suggested doing a college course which I agreed to but then she goes and suggests something else. It was a called building better opportunities which sounded better but I can't do that because I've not been unemployed for a year (stupid rule that is). I try to do new things and take opportunities when I get them but when you agree to do something it doesn't work out. I'm just going around in a viscous circle and not really getting anywhere.
Anyway that's all for this post and hopefully I'll be back soon with a more positive update.
Thanks for reading.
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