Tuesday, 29 May 2018


It's been a long time since I've written a let's chat post as i couldn't think of any subjects but then it came to me I haven't chatted about careers. So today I'm going to chat about the jobs I've had and share my stories and experiences.

As many know I've struggled with employment ever since i left school and if you're a regular reader then you'll know what it's been like. Anyway I have only had temp jobs in shops which aren't the best but it was money. I've had help from Shaw trust in the past but I don't get any now which is kinda annoying because the jobcentre are useless.

I feel like I try my best and I apply for jobs I can do but I either don't hear, hear back and it's a no or I get a interview and again it's a no. I don't understand how I'm meant to get a job if I can't get any more experience? I have skills and I can work in a shop but they make a simple job sound so hard that even though a monkey could do it. I might not have a lot of years of experience but I've worked in a shop, I've worked on tills and I've shelf filled it's just frustrating that I can't get a chance.

Another thing is now a days retail jobs are small hours such as 4/8/10hours etc which is stupid when you get buses. Also what else is annoying is they require late nights/evenings and again that's not possible. Finding a job is difficult now and sometimes I think I might have one if I could drive but also I might not.

Job Hunting Tips

1.Update your CV.

2.Look everyday.

3.Use various sites.

4. Don't give up!.

5.Apply for what you can even if it's something different.

6.Be positive!.

7.Don't get down if you keep getting no's just keep looking!.

8.Approach companies.

9.Be prepared for interviews.

10.Believe in yourself.

Thanks for reading.

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