Wednesday, 21 November 2018


I wasn't sure if to write this post because I've been on a volunteering break since October because I wanted to concentrate on finding a job. I am getting fed up with it because it's changed since my old manager left and it just isn't the same. I can't believe I made it to 8 years not sure if that's a good thing or not! haha.

I think 8 years is a long time to be in a unpaid job and while volunteering is good I didn't expect to be there this long maybe a few months or a year. I have met some great people and they've helped me gain more confidence and come out my shell. Since February it has changed as we got a new manager the other one left sad face :( I miss him!. It hasn't been the same but I think everyone knew that but they're still there.  I have some good memories there and I am glad I started volunteering but I think it's time I did something else.

What I've Achieved In 8 Years
 Become more confident
Come out my shell
Met new people
Talked to people
Become less shy

Thanks for reading.


  1. I'm sorry things are not working out Sarah. It must be so hard for you at times. I think you are an amazing young woman and i hope my daughter will be as strong and positive as you are when she grows up. Xxx

    1. Thank you for comment! :) sometimes it does get hard but I do try to be positive about things.
