Wednesday, 21 November 2018


Last week was a right off I got nothing I wanted to do done, I felt urghhh, I lost my motivation and inspiration for blogging and taking photos which I really wanted to get done. It's easy to get stuck in a rut but getting out of it is much better! you'll feel more motivated and positive about things.

But I'm hoping this week is better and I actually get things done! anyway I thought I'd share ways to finding positives in each day even if we feel blah try and think of something positive in your day even if it's small such as making your bed.

Since I did a confidence course I've met new people, got inspired and feel more positive about things, while I am still unemployed I am getting ideas for jobs/careers. I have also begun a employability confidence course at the same place which is going well. I've also been sharing 3 positives each day some days are hard but I am glad I have kept it up this long! because in the past I've tried something similar but I gave up!

We don't always celebrate the good things that happen because we spend too much time focusing on the negative but that's got to change! Whenever you achieve something anything from getting a job interview, passing an important exam or doing well at work be proud of yourself and celebrate it!. Next time you achieve something good shout it from the roof tops and be proud!

I bought a joy planner from the works a few weeks ago where you can track your mood, write down goals, what went well etc and I have been filling it I'm on my 3rd week now! It was £5 which I don't think is too much as there are some which are a lot more expensive. I think it's helping me to be more positive even if my mood is low sometimes but we all have down days and feel blah at some point.

Simple Positives You Can Do
Making your bed.
Making breakfast/lunch/dinner.
Going for a walk.
Putting on makeup.
Getting dressed.
Write down 3 or 4 positives each day.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Sarah what a lovely blog entry. Im going to do 3 postives a day . Thankyou for such a good idea 💖x

    1. Aw yay glad you liked it! thanks for reading x
