Monday, 19 November 2018


I believe having Fragile X Syndrome is a barrier for me when it comes to job hunting because I am shy, quiet and withdrawn and not very outgoing. Which means employers don't see that I can do a job and take on someone else.When I have interviews I'm nervous but isn't everyone? I get stuck on questions and don't know how to answer them because I don't always understand or I get my words muddled up.

Having Fragile X does make things difficult for me I struggle with maths (not that I want to work on that!) and meeting people isn't always easy. I don't have many friends to go out with but at the same time I do like my own company!. Employers don't give people like me a chance because they don't think I'd be any good so they take on other people. Then some time later the same company is advertising again it doesn't make sense? I have skills and experience but they make a simple job sound so hard which is ridiculous how do I get more experience if no one will employ me?

I do get interviews which I know is good but I find them hard because they ask difficult questions that I don't understand or find hard to answer so I either don't hear back or it's a no. I've applied for so many jobs and most of the time I get a no and its more or less the same answer you don't have enough experience but how do I get more experience if no one will employ me?. I believe everyone has to start somewhere and I believe I should be given a chance because I can do things.

I do take as much help as I can because I think it's good while it's there and I know I've done many courses in my time some have helped and others not but we'll see. I do try my best but sometimes I feel like giving up because I don't think I'm getting anywhere. I also feel behind because I haven't got a job and most people my age have had many and I've only had temp ones. I did feel used I just don't think shops need to be open at Christmas it's ridiculous people should be at home eating turkey and  chocolate.

Thanks for reading.

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