Monday, 7 January 2019


Happy New Year!

Today I am sharing my 2019 goals I've only got a few but I don't want to set too many because it gets over whelming. Let me know what your goals are for the year in the comments.

Get A Job I Enjoy

I am going to work hard on finding something I like and have an interest in I'm going to update my CV and apply for as many jobs as I can. I am hoping my luck changes this year because I really do want some good opportunities. I will keep posting updates on what is happening so be sure to keep an eye out for them.

Continue Blogging
I plan to keep on creating content and I am possibly going to start a blog series but haven't decided on what subject. I think I have gotten more creative with my photos/content now and I am super proud of my blog. I can't wait to start again and make even better content!. I am going to try and comment on more blogs, interact with my followers and try to make some friends fingers crossed!.

Start New Volunteering
After doing some courses at first stop I have got some ideas on what I can do now I've quit volunteering in a charity shop.

Make New Friends
I find it hard to make friends online and offline due to having Fragile X Syndrome but I want to try change that this year!. I'm not the most social able person but sometimes I think it would be nice to meet new people.

Post More On My Facebook Page
I do post on my Facebook page often but I want to try and use it more. It has 101 likes which I am happy with but I do want to grow it. It is one of the hardest social media platforms to grow they want you to pay which is ridiculous!. I don't think paying would necessarily work or make any difference but I aim to keep posting more in 2019. Be sure to like it if you haven't already

Find New Instagram Accounts/YouTubers
I haven't subscribed to many YouTube channels but I am getting bored of some of them. I want to find some more. I mostly watch weekly vlogs, hauls, day in the life, cleaning, organising etc. The ones I do watch regularly are mums and sometimes I don't relate because I'm not one but they do post other content. I also want to find new Instagram accounts to follow who I relate to more.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Your goals certainly sound achievable and I think that’s half the battle! I’ll check out your facebook page :) My goals? To be serious and disciplined with promoting my blog and work harder to schedule posts on social media. Time to treat my writing like a job, not a hobby.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I hope to at least achieve finding a job as that's a big one for me I hope 2019 is my year for employment.
      Also thanks for checking out my Facebook page :). Your goals sound good too good luck with achieving them!.
