Thursday, 28 February 2019


My last life update post was 10th December 2018 which isn't that long ago but I still thought I would write one.

Another start to the year still unemployed it does bother sometimes but I can work on my blog which keeps me occupied!. I don't want  to work in a shop anymore it's not something I like now and I actually want to achieve something. I'd like a job I enjoy and that's worth getting out of bed for!.

We sadly had to say goodbye to my Nana P (that's what we called her) who passed away in January  and her funeral was this month which was so hard but the service was nice the church was full. The wake at the pub was also nice and a lot came back which was good.  She hadn't been well for sometime with Parkinson's and was in a care home for 3 years. I know she is in a better place now but I will miss her :( but think of the good times.

Retail Course
I went on a retail course at Freeport to help me with finding employment, gain more skills and get more customer service knowledge. I did find it helpful and it was only 4 weeks. We missed one and there were only 2 of us after all which is really odd because they don't normally run courses. We went to Bills and we were also meant to have someone from Ralph Lauren come visit but that didn't happen.

What's Next?
I don't know but I have decided rather than focusing on finding a job I don't want which is retail I'm focusing on what I really want to do when I figure it out!. I will be back with future updates when something good happens!.

Thanks for reading.

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