Saturday, 23 March 2019


Today's post is 28 things I've learnt in my 28 years being on this planet! yes I am 28 and I am aware I don't look it! everyone is shocked when I tell my age but I'd rather be told I look younger than older. Anyway here's 28 things I've learnt.....

1. Job hunting is hard, unfair and you have to be prepared for rejects.

2. It's ok to cry sometimes it helps to let things out.

3. You don't keep the same friends from school, college, previous jobs etc.

4. Being single is okay!.

5. Having a learning disability makes things harder and not many understand it or have heard of it.

6. Spending time by yourself is ok you don't always need to go out etc.

7. Your gut instincts are usually right.

8. Writing down a few things about my day really helps.

9. You can't trust everyone.

10. Things don't always go the way you plan but it's a learning curve.

11. Not everyone is nice and at some point you get bullied either at school/college/work.

12. Money is poop and you never have enough of it.

13. Comparing to others doesn't help.

14. You don't have to have everything figured out.

15. Always remove your makeup at night.

16. Always moisturise day and night.

17. Don't give up no matter how tough things are.

18. It's ok to ask for help.

19. People come and go in your life.

20. Moving out isn't an option unless you win the lottery.

21. It doesn't matter if you're shy

22. Not every opportunity is right for you but the right one will come your way.

23. You're always learning.

24. It doesn't matter what your interests are as long as they make you happy!.

25. Don't follow the crowd it would be boring if we were all the same so be yourself!.

26. We all make mistakes but we all learn from them.

27. There is no harm in trying new things they might surprise you!.

28. Communication is important.

Thanks for reading.

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