Thursday, 7 March 2019


Hello! today's post is all about being creative so if that's your thing then keep reading. I have been blogging for 4 years now I believe and I have got more creative with my content and photos. I think when I did blogtober 2018 I began to get more creativity for my photos and it's just gone from there.  Here are some ways you can be creative I hope this post helps!.

I use my iPhone 5 S yes I still have the iPhone 5 S! and no I wont be upgrading to the latest one because they all do the same thing! it still takes good enough photos for my blog and that's all I need!. I am experimenting with props, ideas and just being creative with it. I do sometimes wish I lived in somewhere I could get good views and some wildlife but I don't so I have to make do!.

I recently found a new YouTuber to watch (very rare I do!) anyway her name is Catherine or Katnipp illustrations which is her Etsy store. She is really good at drawing and designing which I feel inspired by to be creative in different ways! because I can't draw to save my life!.

Use Pinterest
Pinterest is really useful for blogging! and other things too! you can find many content ideas and photo inspiration it does give you inspiration. There's also food and fashion on there if you need some ideas on what to eat/what to wear.

Home magazines are full of ideas and inspiration and there's many to chose from which are reasonably priced. I have been buying home style, your home and style at home since last year and they're under £2!. There's people's homes to get ideas from homeware to recipes and anything they put in!. There are other magazines that also have ideas in them too!.

Thanks for reading.

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