Sunday 28 July 2019


For a while now I've been feeling really uninspired with my blog I haven't had any ideas for ages and it's making me feel sad and unmotivated. My last post was on Aldi skincare but even before and after that post I hadn't had any content planned. I still like blogging as it is my hobby while I'm unemployed but since I haven't had anything to post I have been bored. I hate being bored and would rather be productive and doing something but it doesn't always work like that. Also the hot weather hasn't helped my motivation to post. I hate feeling like this because I like to be motivated and productive but nothing is there. I like being creative but again I have no creative ideas.

I have googled ideas and looked on Pinterest but nothing has come to me and I feel very uninspired  which sucks because I want to post. I sometimes feel like I have posted everything and I don't know how these full time bloggers always have content to post?. I know we all hit bloggers block and lose inspiration at some point but it really isn't a great feeling. I don't want to post for the sake of it I want to publish content I am proud of.

I am also feeling meh about posting on Instagram as again I don't have any inspiration to post or take photos so that hasn't helped. I know it's only an app but I like posting things even though it's pants because no one likes them or they don't get many likes. I do want to grow my social media but it's really hard now so I'm just going to keep posting whatever I like and see what happens.

I do get envy when other bloggers get PR/work with brands because that is my goal and I know it takes hard work and dedication but I still wish it was me. I don't think I'll be the only one who feels like this well I hope I'm not!. I did work with Soap and Glory last year and this year on their babes of glory campaign which was amazing! I still can't believe they picked me!. I am no longer one now but I am super proud I was.

Thanks for reading.

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