Sunday 11 August 2019


Lately I've been feeling uninspired and very lost with my blog and using my time as I have a lot of it I feel like I should use it all while I have it. I haven't really been motivated either or had any ideas to write about and I think that's getting me down because I want to write but I can't because it just isn't there and I don't want to publish for the sake of it.

I feel bored and fed up with things but I try to be positive but it's hard. When I'm not productive or motivated I feel like I've wasted my day by doing nothing which I know is ok sometimes but as I have time to fill I feel like I should use it.

Being unemployed doesn't help much either as I have all the time to do things but I don't know what to do I wish I could go places and explore and take photos but I can't because I don't drive. I can get to a few places but they aren't very exciting I'd rather go to the countryside or a nice house something like that.

I wrote a post on feeling uninspired which I thought might help but it hasn't and here we are writing this post. I don't know what it is that's making me feel like this but I hate it and I wish it would go away. I feel like I've written about everything and I want new, fresh and interesting ideas but it's really hard to get some.

I've looked on Pinterest but there isn't anything jumping out at me and I feel like I'm going round in circles. I don't normally want to post negative things but as I've been feeling like this for ages I thought I'd share my thoughts etc.

I still enjoy blogging, sharing and creating content but sometimes I get blogging envy which I know isn't good. I want to try so many brands but it's so hard to work with them or get on their PR list unless you have a big-ish following which I don't and they're so hard to grow now.

Do you fee like this? let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading.

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