Saturday 24 August 2019


Job Hunting This is ALWAYS in my life updates...…
I am still looking for employment but I am not looking for retail work as that isn't something I want to do so there's no point in applying for them and tbh I never get a chance. The last interview I had was a waste of time I never heard back but I put more effort in by ringing because ya know I wanted to know! and the lady didn't even ask who I was! and said it was about being flexible what a load of poo. They'll soon be advertising again like all these companies do they can't be great places to work.

First Stop Champion!
For June I was picked to be first stops champion of the month! I wasn't expecting that at all and I am so proud! I received a certificate, a pizza express voucher and a Braintree village gift card!. Can't wait to use them!.

Retail Course At Braintree Village (a shopping place)
If you saw one of my previous life updates you l know I did a customer service course and now I just completed a retail course. It went well and I am glad I did it so I had something to do.

College Open Day
I booked myself on a advice day at Braintree college to get some help and ideas on courses I could do and it wasn't helpful. I felt like I wasn't really meant to be there because every person kept asking my age and it felt like it was problem because I guess most people my age have a career. I really thought they'd be able to offer advice but they didn't. It also felt like my qualifications weren't good enough I didn't know you now need A-C in Maths and English which seems a little unfair because not everyone is going to have them are they? I know I could do them again but I can't do maths (because I have Fragile X syndrome) so there would be no point and I don't know about English. I honestly don't know what is next I am trying to better myself and achieve things but when I try ask for help I don't really get any.

Thanks for reading.

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