Sunday 31 October 2021


Monday 25th October 2021
I sorted my things out, it was my dads birthday and we had an Indian takeaway. I watched toy story 4 and parent trap.
Tuesday 26th October 2021
I went to the jobcentre which was a waste of time as they don't listen at all and suggest unsuitable jobs with unsuitable hours and it's really affecting my mental health and making me anxious now. I try my hardest but it's draining and I feel like I'm getting nowhere. I HATE going to the jobcentre I wish I didn't have to go I wish I'd never signed on it's caused nothing but hassle and they're always picking on me and don't understand learning disabilities. Also the buses aren't turning up due to a driver shortage and I keep saying that but they still don't listen and I don't know what to do anymore. Anyway I found these scrabble coasters in the RSPCA charity shop.
Wednesday 27th October 2021
I went to the co op, wrote a blog post, watched Mrs Doubtfire, I listened to music and made spag bol for dinner.
Thursday 28th October 2021
I went out with my sister to Lavenham and long Melford which was nice we had lunch at Tatum's teahouse and looked around. Me and my mum went to the Empire in the evening to see a live screening of the rocky horror show.

Friday 29th October 2021
I went down the town, took somethings to the charity shop and bought more oops!.

Saturday 30th October 2021
My sister came round, I watched some YouTube, I had steak for dinner and chilled out in the evening.
Sunday 31st October 2021
I stayed in as the weather was rainy and windy, I watched some YouTube, The Addams family and started watching motive on Netflix. Me and my mum made profiteroles which are much better than bought ones and I chilled in the evening.
Thanks for reading.


  1. I used to get very frustrated with the job centre I was once told that I wasn't looking for 'real jobs'. The whole process can be so disheartening I hope things get better soon

    1. What's a 'real' job?! they really don't have a clue and don't listen! it really is frustrating I didn't think I'd still be on benefits now. Thank you
