Sunday 28 November 2021


Monday 22nd November 2021
I went to Braintree to the jobcentre sat there for ages to be called but as usual it was a waste of time. |They still don't listen. I got some new clothes in Peacocks, some bits in Tesco and then came home when a bus finally came.
Tuesday 23rd November 2021
I sorted more things out, tided up, it's been 3 weeks without wifi and it's getting very frustrating I don't have much else to say here. I haven't got access to wifi much and I've pretty much run out of data I can't remember what I've been doing.
Wednesday 24th November 2021
I volunteered at the Empire and watched the film which was the call of the wild, I 
Thursday 25th November 2021
I stayed in, had a chilled day and sorted more things out.
Friday 26th November 2021
I muddled about, tided up and watched some tv
Saturday 27th November 2021
I went down the town, it was cold rainy and windy not the best weather, we were going to have a Chinese but we couldn't get through so we had an Indian instead.
Sunday 28th November 2021
It was very cold today, I did more puzzle and stayed in the warm. I know my weekly's aren't so good now and I've been debating if to stop but I'm not sure.
Thanks for reading.

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