Sunday 12 December 2021


Monday 6th December 2021
I slept in till 7.40am! latest I've slept in ages anyway I went down the town, decorated my bedroom for Christmas and started watching Young Sheldon. I watched some YouTube, and that was my Monday!
Tuesday 7th December 2021
I stayed in did and some crafting,I watched more young Sheldon,tided up and watched some YouTube. 
Wednesday 8th December 2021
I volunteered at the Empire in the afternoon and watched the film the last bus which was sad but good. In the evening I watched some YouTube, more young Sheldon and I started watching landscapers on now tv.
Thursday 9th December 2021
I went down the town to Lidl and Sainsbury's, I tided up, sorted more things out,my Amazon order came and I finished watching landscapers.
Friday 10th December 2021
Me and mum went to Colchester on the bus I got a few bits but not too much. We had lunch at toasted and in the evening I watched more young Sheldon.
Saturday 11th December 2021
My sister came round, it was my empire's Christmas party in the evening which was good we had a buffet and watched last Christmas.
Sunday 12th December 2021
My uncle came to visit, I changed my bed, I watched more young Sheldon, listened to music and started a blog post.

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